Double Horn Anvil - Miniature (6 piece min)

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Part Number:12-302
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This miniature double horned anvil is great for precision forming and metalworking. The flat surfaces are useful for riveting, work-hardening wire, or working with sheet metal, and the horns are ideal for forming rounded elements. The main flat surface measures 5.2 x 3.0 cm (2 x 1.125"). Both horns extend 3 cm (1.25") from the base. One horn is completely round and the other has a flattened surface on top and a small hole drilled all the way through. This anvil is made out of machine hardened steel so it can be used with all types of precious metals.


It can be secured to a bench or work surface with steel cables around the base. It has a 8 mm (5/16") hole drilled in the bottom and threaded, so it can also be bolted down.


The anvil measures 11.5 x 4.5 x 3 cm (4.5 x 1.7 x 1.2"). It weighs 550 grams (1 lb 3.5 oz).


Made in India


(6 piece minimum)

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