This rolling mill has 2 flat rollers, 1 patterned roller, and 2 wire forming rollers. It can perform a variety of tasks including thinning sheet, thinning wire, flattening wire, forming half-round and V-shape wire, straightening wire elements, and patterning metal.
The housing is made out of steel with well-machined steel components and gears. The gear ratio is 3:1. Rollers are all 75 mm in length, 40 mm in diameter, and are simple to change out. It has holes in the base so it can be bolted to a table or work surface.
The 2 flat rollers are polished to a mirror shine and are great for thinning metal, flattening round wire, or texturing metal with additional materials like paper or fabric. The textured roller has 4 cm of a fine pin-stripe pattern, and 4 cm of a fine dense stippled pattern. The patterns cover the circumference of the roller, so there is no end seam. The wire forming rollers have 18 grooves and accommodate for wires between 1 and 5 millimeters. The grooves go around the circumference of the roller, so there is no end seam or gap.
For drawing plain sheet metal use a maximum 5 gauge (3.75mm) and a minimum of 26 gauge (0.45mm). For drawing wire use a maximum 5 gauge and a minimum of 20 gauge. Do not roll steel, or any metals or materials that are harder than steel. Comes with full instructions on assembly and maintenance.
Housing measures approximately 25.5 x 23 x 20 cm (10 x 9 x 8”).
Made in India
(2 piece minimum)